Storage & Shelf Life: How long does brie last?

The shelf life of brie depends on factors like storage conditions, packaging, and whether it’s opened or unopened. Proper refrigeration or storage can help extend freshness, while freezing can be an option for longer preservation. Knowing the typical expiration timeline and signs of spoilage can help prevent waste and ensure food safety. Learn the best storage methods and how to tell if brie has gone bad.
How long does brie last?
🧊 Fridge Life
7-14 days after opening
❄️ Freezer Life
180 days (6 months), but freezing can alter texture, making it crumbly
☀️ Room Temp Life
2 hours max before risk of bacterial growth
What’s the best way to store brie?
Wrap in wax or parchment paper, then loosely cover with plastic wrap or place in a breathable container to prevent excess moisture buildup while allowing airflow. Store in the cheese drawer or a low-humidity area of the fridge.
How can you tell if brie has gone bad?
Ammonia-like smell, excessive mold (beyond natural white bloom), slimy or overly dry texture.
What’s the best container for storing brie?
Wax paper wrap with a loosely covered plastic container, cheese paper, or breathable cheese storage bags.
How can you tell when brie has expired?
Brie naturally has a white bloomy rind, but if it develops dark spots, a strong ammonia odor, or a sticky texture, it should be discarded. Freezing affects the creamy consistency, so it’s best for cooking rather than eating fresh after thawing.