Storage & Shelf Life: How long do onions last?

The shelf life of onions depends on factors like storage conditions, packaging, and whether it’s opened or unopened. Proper refrigeration or storage can help extend freshness, while freezing can be an option for longer preservation. Knowing the typical expiration timeline and signs of spoilage can help prevent waste and ensure food safety. Learn the best storage methods and how to tell if onions have gone bad.
How long do onions last?
🧊 Fridge Life
1–2 months (whole), 5–7 days (cut)
❄️ Freezer Life
10–12 months (chopped, raw or cooked)
☀️ Room Temp Life
2–3 months (whole, in a cool, dry place)
What’s the best way to store onions?
Store whole onions in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Do not refrigerate unless cut. If cut, store in an airtight container in the fridge. For freezing, chop and store in freezer bags—best used in cooked dishes due to texture changes.
How can you tell if onions have gone bad?
Soft spots, excessive moisture, strong foul odor, or visible mold.
What’s the best container for storing onions?
Mesh bags, ventilated baskets, or paper bags for whole onions; airtight containers for cut onions.
How can you tell when onions have expired?
Avoid storing near potatoes, as onions produce gases that cause potatoes to sprout faster.